Importing Prospects into offers several flexible methods for importing Prospects, allowing you to efficiently build and manage your network. Here are four primary methods to import Prospects into

Bulk Importing Prospects via Sales Navigator

Sales Navigator is a powerful tool provided by LinkedIn that allows you to search for leads and accounts using advanced filters.

  1. Access Sales Navigator:

    • Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to Sales Navigator.
  2. Search for Prospects:

    • Use the search tool in Sales Navigator to find potential Prospects. You can apply various filters such as industry, location, job title, and more to refine your search.
  3. Save Lead List or Search:

    • Save the lead list or perform a saved search for the Prospects you are interested in.
  4. Import to

    • Open the Chrome extension while on Sales Navigator.
    • Use the extension’s import feature to import the lead list or saved search into This will show up as a Search Import.

 Importing Profiles Individually

If you come across individual profiles that you want to import while browsing LinkedIn, you can easily do so using the extension.

  1. Open LinkedIn Profile:

    • Navigate to the Prospect's individual LinkedIn profile.
  2. Use Extension:

    • Click on the extension icon in the top right corner of your browser.
    • In the pop-up box, select the option to "Import Profile."
  3. Confirmation:

    • A confirmation message will appear, indicating that the profile has been successfully imported to your database.

By utilizing these methods, you can efficiently import and manage Prospects in, ensuring you have a robust and up-to-date database to work with.